Glorious Morning
acrylic on gold leafed silk panel, w. 142 cm x h. 80 cm / 56” x 31.5”
Australia, 2004
Australia, 2004
Poppies Stones & Grasses
acrylic on canvas, framed, w. 122 cm x h. 86.5 cm / 48" (total width) x 34"
Australia, 2004
Australia, 2004
Antique Irises on Silver
acrylic on canvas, framed, w. 61 cm x h. 86.5 cm / 24" x 34"
Australia, 2003
Australia, 2003
Fields of Red & Gold
acrylic on canvas, w. 112 cm x h. 79 cm / 44" x 31"
USA, 1998
USA, 1998
acrylic on canvas, w. 70 cm x h. 110 cm / 28” x 42”
USA, 1999
USA, 1999
Dancing Morning Glory Vine
acrylic on linen, framed, w. 152.5 cm x h. 89 cm / 60" x 35"
Australia, 2001
Australia, 2001
Poppies for my Mother
acrylic on linen, framed, w. 122 cm x h. 62 cm / 48" x 24"
Australia, 2000
Australia, 2000
Abundant Spring
acrylic on 6 gold leafed panels Japanese screen, w. 270 x h. 137 cm / 106.25’ x 54”
Australia, 2001
Australia, 2001
Small is Beautiful (TAO Oracle #62)
acrylic on canvas, w. 56 cm x h. 76 cm / 22” x 30”
Australia, 1999
Misty Irises
acrylic on silvered board, w. 71 cm x h. 107 cm / 28" x 42"
Australia, 2002
Australia, 2002
Creamy Water Lillies
acrylic on canvas, w. 152 cm x h. 76 cm / 60” x 30”
Australia, 2002
Australia, 2002
An Ocean of Irises
acrylic on silvered panel, w. 168 cm x h. 67 cm / 66” x 27”
Australia, 2004
Australia, 2004
Golden Light on Lotus Pond
acrylic on canvas, framed, w. 137 cm x 91 cm / 54" x 36"
Australia, 2001
Australia, 2001
Morning Glories Reaching
acrylic on canvas, w.122 cm x h. 79 cm (total width) / 62" x 48"
USA, 1998
USA, 1998
Among the Grasses
acrylic on canvas, w. 160 cm x 70 cm / 64” x 28”
Australia, 2004
Australia, 2004